Sunday, January 31, 2010

Human Can Get Worms Reason Tape Worm In Cat And Human!!!?

Tape worm in cat and human!!!? - human can get worms reason

My cat had got the chips to fall out. I thought I had achieved everything, but in recent months back seems to be. Now I am always exempt from them, and I'm sure it's gone forever! for some reason I am the only itchy and nobody else. I realized my cat had met two worms, and said the vet, they get by eating rodents and other things from the outside, but never before published. the meaning is not Kane. I saw the band on Google and said it may acquire in the digestion of chips! Now I finally know how it's! I read something that bothers me is that if a man supposidly accidentally taken the chapter with a chip on a worm or what is called because it can.

my question is ... If a man is accidentally swallowed some that maybe in his sleep or something like that would be evidence that people would have a tapeworm?


marvelou... said...

as bad as it sounds, I had once when I was 13 and did not tell anyone, but you get no help tapeworms weight to foods that have implemented in their establishments to eat and it looks like when the worm produces gross baby band , is a way out, and the only way out is through the anus.

3 2 1 Hes Gone said...

Ummmm the only thing I remember is improvised, the swelling, sorry. : (

Answers said...

Uh, as a follow - a little at night during sleep. No kidding.

Uh, bum itching Yur "Yet?

Answers said...

Uh, as a follow - a little at night during sleep. No kidding.

Uh, bum itching Yur "Yet?

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