Saturday, January 30, 2010

Compustar To Reset Resetting Compustar Remote Starter?

Resetting Compustar Remote Starter? - compustar to reset

I have a Compustar remote starter in my car. The doors open and block, but the lights stop flashing, and not start the car with the key on the remote.

How do I restore everything? I know theres a button somewhere under the steering wheel on the box, but can not find it! Has anyone a diagram or can tell me where it is? Thank you!

1 comment:

turbociv... said...

I have a Compustar and the restoration of the whole is as follows:
1. Remove the batteries from the remote control.
2. Put the key in the ignition
3. Turn the printer (but not at home) 4x
4. You should hear a relay click when you are at 4x.
5. When you hear, click, put the battery in the transmitter. You have 10 seconds to do.

Hope this helps.

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